17 March 2009

Obey your husband even if he is an idiot

It's spring break, I have tons of grading to do, so what am I doing for fun? Well, today I swept out my garage, raked part of the backyard, rearranged my shampoos, and then I went back to some light reading.

Right now I am reading a very well-written and researched but deeply disturbing book. The Quiverfull movement is a contemporary evangelical Christian sect of sorts that seeks to recreate men as the godly head of household as Jesus was the head of the church.

Here are some of the rules for women:

You must stand by your husband even if he fails. This includes cheating on you, beating you, and/or otherwise fucking up.

At the beginning of each day you should give him a list of what your plans are for the day so that he may approve (or change) the list.

You must home school all of your children.

You must not use any kind of birth control, ever.

Which means that you will have as many children as God wants you to have.

And I've only read 50 pages. Stay tuned for more Quiverfull updates!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hi, Beth!

I found your blog through your comment at I Blame The Patriarchy.

I'm really interested in Quiverfull, too, and will be checking in to see what you think of it.