29 April 2009

I've figured it out!

Although I may be playing with fire with this one, I think it is worth thinking about.

The other day I was talking to a friend who has an almost two-year-old son. We were discussing his upcoming birthday celebration, and she said "His grandmother has been to his first two birthdays" and all of a sudden I realized something.

When does our age begin? When do we begin counting our existence? It's not the day we are conceived. It is the day we come out. The day we are born into the world. So anyone against abortion has to realize that according to all common beliefs and ways of measuring human life we begin at birth.

So until we begin counting our age as beginning at conception, and making ourselves nine months older in the process, we have to concede that human life begins at birth.

I admit considering age beginning to be enumerated at conception brought up a whole host of rather disturbing images--we would have to know the date our biological parents had heterosexual intercourse. We might even celebrate the position. We might even celebrate that day, thus celebrating H.I. itself. I can't imagine the pro-birth/anti-choice/anti-abortion contingent would go for that.

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